Tuesday 26 January 2016

Frank Edwards surprises his manager with a Range Rover sport

December 2 , 2015 ↔ no comments
Gospel music super star Frank Edwards early this week
bought his long time manager EezeeTee a Range Rover
sport Vehicle. Ezekiel has been manager of Rock Town
Boss for 5 years now and has diligently served his
EezeeTee as he is fondly called is an artist too, but put
a break to his career to work with Frank Edwards and
today that sacrifice has paid off in a very magnificent
reward. When Gospotainment.com spoke with
EezeeTee, he was so excited and kept saying ‘’there is a
reward for serving the Lord’’ and to all young gospel
artistes who are thinking of going secular because they
feel gospel does not pay, He has this to say, ‘’I want
young gospel artistes to know that the Lord is faithful
and if you are faithful in serving the Lord and diligent in
honouring those that God has put as your leaders, he
will surely reward your faithfulness’’.
According to
Frank Edwards
who posted on
His Instagram
Page ”
Just as the
driver was about driving this car to my Dad, GOD just
reminded me of someone who abandoned his music
career 5 years ago to work with me as a manager &
assistant.. And has put in so much effort serving , many
people mocked him saying “why are you working for
this small boy” but he put in even more effort! Well now
you have seen what small boys do. Today ezzy is
happily married and got a beautiful life going , service
pays , diligence is power! So I decided to let him have
this and get something new for papa! That’s the way
JEHOVAH wants it done. #rocktownindabuilding ”
EeZee has been with him from the days he could only
feed himself, in the days no one was getting paid. This
should be a lesson to young people.
Frank Thank for this. God bless you More.
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